Friday, 17 January 2014

Sinopsis Dream High (korea)

   yeee.. ye... film drama korea "dream High" ini gw suka bangett seru bangett ceritanya. dalam film ini juga mengajarkan bahwa kegagalan itu bukan akhir dari segalanya tapi kita mesti harus berusaha yang lebih demi meraihh impian kita walaupun tau didalamnya itu banyak rintangan yang datang silih berganti tapi yang pasti kita harus yakin bahwa kebahagian itu di depan kita Ok.. langsung aja ya.. bdari pada kita berlama-lama yuppzz...

Dream HIgh

 this is story of youths becoming top global stars which could take place in the not-so-distants future. you may have the looks, talents, personality and even a respectable privale live, but it's still tough to rise as a successful star. here is a group of youths who are still up for this daring callenge. they all have a single weekness barring them becoming the ultimate top star. the weekneses wouldn't be an issue or an inconvenience to an ordinary person, but they are detrimental to a pop star.
      one girl sings super bly but her appearance is not the best to stand before the TV camera. another student has the looks and musical talent but has distorted. prajudiced view of the world. there are others who have have amazing talent but an unsophisticated fashion sense. each of these students have managed to pass the exam and enter kirin arts high school to begin headlong the callenge of be coming a top superstar.

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